20th march 2023
HIoTee is pleased to announce the launch of its new product HIoSafe based on Kineis IoT/Sat technology, aiming to bring a sovereign solution to the European Industry and Defence economic actors.
HIoTee’s ambition is to democratise IoT/Sat by deploying connectivity solutions that provide permanent and secure access to strategic industrial data. In order to help states regain their economic sovereignty, HIoTee puts its expertise and technology at the service of :
Today, HIoTee completes its range of IoT/Sat solutions with the HIoSafe, a hybrid “Cellular & Satellite” device, autonomous and Plug&Play, allowing the tracking of goods and people as well as the monitoring of fixed or mobile equipment. HIoSafe guarantees continuity of service for data access regardless of location, by optimising the use of satellite networks.
The collaboration between HIoTee and Kineis allows to provide the first sovereign IoT/Sat solution to French and European economic actors
Kinéis is a French satellite operator and global connectivity provider dedicated to the Internet of Things. This company, launched in 2018, is the heir to forty years of expertise in the Argos system, founded by CNES (French Space Agency) and historically operated by CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites). It is a company in full expansion since the future Kineis constellation will be deployed in 2023. This operation is possible thanks to a historic fundraising of €100 million in 2020. This new constellation will allow a considerable improvement in the level of service and capacity of the system, with several million terminals connected.
As part of this partnership, an access to the Kinéis constellation is provided, allowing the deployment of the HIoSafe solution in order to retrieve strategic data anywhere in the world. Alexandre Tisserant, CEO of Kinéis, said: “As part of our strategy to massively distribute Kinéis technology, we are proud to count HIoTee among our first partners, with whom we have been working for almost a year on the development of this new IoT/Sat solution“.
The HIoSafe solution based on the KIM 1 module from Kineis is industrialized. The prototype version integrating the latest bi-directional KIM2 module is already functional: the HioSafe KIM2 product will be offered in pre-production, as soon as Kineis opens the service. A first overview of HIoSafe solutions is available on the HIoTee website (HIoSafe). In addition, this new product will also be presented at trade fairs in which both companies will participate.
About HIoTee : HIoTee is the fusion between the world of Space and IoT. Founded in 2018 by a team of experts in radio frequency and embedded systems, HIoTee offers a unique technology with a wide range of IoT/Sat products for different industrial uses, such as traceability, automation and environmental measurements. Based in France, HIoTee aims to deploy its solutions internationally thanks to its Worldwide coverage of white or isolated areas. These innovative products are aimed at Industry 4.0 and Defence players, with the aim of accelerating digital transformation and increasing productivity & efficiency, while contributing to human and environmental responsibility. In 2019, HIoTee is a winner of the French national i-Lab competition, and has been labelled French Tech Seed.
Press contact: Karim Rami – karim.rami@hiotee.com – +33(0) – www.hiotee.com
About Kinéis : Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite operator and global connectivity provider. The company inherits the forty years of expertise of the Argos system, founded by CNES (French Space Agency) and historically operated by CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites), to develop a reliable technology that provides easy access to useful satellite data. With a view to simplifying and multiplying the uses of professionals and individuals, Kinéis locates and connects objects wherever they are on the planet. In doing so, it deploys all its technological innovation capacities to bring together New Space and IoT. In 2020, Kinéis raised €100 million (CLS 32%, CNES 26%, Bpifrance 20%, Ifremer, Thales, HEMERIA, CELAD, BNP Paribas Développement, ETHICS Group, MJKD, Consuls Développement, Invest Marel, and others). In 2021, Kinéis will reach a turnover of 8.4 million euros (+20% compared to 2020). In 2022, Kinéis will join the French Tech Next40 programme for the second year running.
Press contact: Anne-Cécile Thibault – athibault@kineis.com – +33(0) – www.kineis.com – @KineisIoT